martes, 5 de marzo de 2013

Ecos de los desahucios en España


Ayer, Guardian dedicó un artículo a los grupos de personas que se han asociado para luchar contra la plaga de desahucios en curso. Muestra del interés que despierta el tema es el número de comentarios (214) publicados. Ahí va, a título de ejempl,o alguno de ellos (enlace a los comentarios):

- @JakeGrey - Austerity is a fancy word for a government (Statism) living within a balanced budget. Austerity is not the problem. Unsustainable government spending was and is the problem.

- @Mark Urbo - I'd disagree with you, here's my take:

Spain had controlled government spending in the sense that it only spent what came in. It spent throughout the boom. It was the banks (private companies) that lent foolishly and went broke. Now public money is (curiously) paying bank debts. Unsustainable government spending was not the problem before, it is now. What they are calling austerity is in fact a fancy word for redistribution of income from the poor and the public purse to the rich and the private sector.

- @scouser58 - I don't like risks or taking on debt and my solution was to reduce it as drastically as possible and as soon as possible. Working freelance my work dried up for a long stretch within three years of my purchase but I had factored in that possibility when taking the debt on by having a contingency fund.

I agree no-one wants to get into debt and lose their home but it looks like a lot of people in Spain have piled into a rising housing market when they shouldn't have. And when the bubble burst they have walked away from the debt obligations that they took on.

…y algunas imágenes que ilustran el tema:

Fuente de las fotos: GuardianSeville corralas: StencilPhotograph: Dave Stelfox for the Guardian


Seville corralas: Corrala LiberacionPhotograph: Dave Stelfox for the Guardian


Seville corralas: Water collectionPhotograph: Dave Stelfox for the Guardian

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