martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Cultural quiz del dpto. de inglés


(28th February - 11th March 2011)




  • The quiz will be available to all students of English in the EOI 1 (Official, That’s English and special courses) at the school’s library (SAP) and also on the school’s web page:

  • To take part in the competition, participants will have to fill in the questionnaire and hand it in at the school’s library (SAP) from the 28th February to the 11th March 2011.

  • The winner will be chosen randomly among all the participants who hand in their answers correctly within the stipulated period on March, 22nd at 16.30 (SAP). The winner will receive a 60€ voucher.

  • Two more correct questionnaires will be drawn. Each of which will receive some audiovisual material in English.

  • The names of the winners will be published at the library (SAP) as well as on the school’s web and the winners will receive their presents through their teachers.


  1. What kind of school do the beneficiaries of the Queen Elizabeth Scholarship Trust attend?


  1. Oxford University is a federation of parallel colleges, some big, some small, each governed by its staff, collectively called:


  1. Which was the first English university to be founded after Oxford and Cambridge and what year did it come into existence?


  1. The Church of England is the established Church of the English nation, though perhaps a quarter of the people belong to other religious denominations or have no religious attachment. Do you know who the first head of the Church was?


  1. What is the modern successor of the old British Empire called?


  1. What was “The Guardian” called before 1959?


  1. The Battle of Culloden, which meant the end of the Jacobite Rising in 1745, took place near a city in the Scottish Highlands. Which city was it?


  1. Toads, water rats, badgers and other animals are the main characters in a novel written by Kenneth Graham. What´s the title of this novel?


  1. When the Parliament in London is in session, the Union Flag is flown. Where from?


  1. Which famous college in Cambridge founded in 1511, with one of the most beautiful college chapels in England, is celebrating its 500th birthday in 2011?


  1. Which amazing natural site in Ireland looks like the path to a giant´s house?


  1. Who was the first English writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature?


  1. In the honour of which presidents is President Day celebrated?


  1. What is the name of a very important English playwright born in Canterbury who was reputed to be an atheist?


  1. What Spanish words is Canada said to be named after?


  1. What is usually eaten on Bonfire night?


  1. What is the Rock of Gibraltar a symbol of?


  1. What do you have to pay if you play music on a public building such as a shop, pub, bank or an office in Britain?


  1. What is the name of the oldest Neolithic settlement in Britain?


  1. What sweet substance, now used mostly as topping for pancakes and waffles, was first used by the Indians of the Great Lakes before the Europeans arrived?


  1. What famous Australian outlaw was hanged in June 1880 in Melbourne?


  1. What American actor was shot in the foot in a 1990 gangster movie and, nine years later, did the same to a pastry clerk in the first season of a TV series?


  1. Which stone in the wall of a castle in Ireland is said to give you the gift of the gab if you kiss it?


  1. What famous English footballer kept playing the game professionally until the ripe old age of 50?


  1. What snack was invented by an earl during a game of cards?


2 comentarios:

  1. ¿Dónde están las soluciones o los ganadores? Por favor, ponedlo aquí o poned un enlace.


  2. Me he puesto en contacto con el Departamento de Inglés y en cuanto sepa algo sobre las soluciones o los ganadores lo publicaré.
    J. Brox
